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mixed astigmatism中文是什么意思

用"mixed astigmatism"造句"mixed astigmatism"怎么读"mixed astigmatism" in a sentence


  • 混合散光
  • 混合性散光


  • Chapter 3 erected the relationship between refraction error and cornel ablation depth in theory . the paper proposed various mathematical models which can be used for proceed the simple myopia , simple hypermetropia , compund myopia astigmatism , compund hypermetropia astigmatism , simple myopia astigmatism , simple hypermetropia astigmatism , mixed astigmatism . the influence of the astigmatic axis and the degree of astigmatism on the correction field is discussed . wavefront aberration guided excimer laser cornea ablation is a main method of customised corneal ablation
用"mixed astigmatism"造句  
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